#also no one cares but Alexander’s boyfriend is actually out buying an engagement ring for Alex that’s the errand he mentioned xD
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writerfae · 3 months ago
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Christmas movie au Advent Calendar 🎄
Day Ten: ☕️Hot chocolate☕️
Christmas special tag list: @bunnymermaidsblog @deadlycupid @dustylovelyrun @ladywithalamp @sleepy-night-child @theguywithnonickname
When he had left the Café that night, Talon wasn’t sure if he should really go to the Christmas market at the tree farm.
“But you said you almost kissed! So there is definitely something there! That’s a good thing, I don’t see why it should be a reason not to go to the market,” Halea had said to him over the phone.
“No, it’s not good. The situation is too complicated. It would be better to stay away from him.”
Talon sighed, massaging his temple in an attempt to calm his nerves.
“Is it complicated or are you just making it complicated again?”
“I constantly lie to him, Halea. I’m here to get his father to sell their property, to rob them off their home. And he’s in a relationship already.”
Probably. Maybe.
“You don’t know that,” Halea argued. “You are just assuming again. Have you ever tried to talk to him instead?”
“Even if he’s not in a relationship, did you miss the part where I’m essentially here to ruin their existence?”
“You are ruining no one’s existence. You haven’t even tried to get Mr. Hunter to sell the farm yet. And even then, they will get quite some money for the sale, too.”
“You’re not here, Hal. You don’t know them, you don’t know how much this place means to them. Also it would be a forced sale, their only alternative is getting kicked out.”
Which wasn’t really an alternative at all.
Sooner or later they’d lose anyway, but maybe they’d have more time if he wasn’t here to-
“Talon, I know this situation sucks, but you have to stop freaking out and taking all the blame. You need to figure out what you want and how you want to achieve it instead. Hiding won’t help you. If you really have feelings for him, don’t run away. Act. That’s what you’re known for.”
“But I don’t know what to do,” Talon admitted quietly.
“You will find out.” Halea’s voice was uncharacteristically soft.
“You always do. But until then, try to live a little. Go to that Christmas market. I’ll try to keep your dad off your back for a while.”
“Thank you. You’re the best.”
A soft laugh was heard from the other side of the line.
“Say that again please, I need to record it and send it to our old college friends.”
Talon had laughed then and thanked her again and after he ended the call, decided he’d go to the market on Friday.
And now it was Friday.
Talon got his cloak and Aiden’s scarf and made his way to the Christmas tree farm once again.
He almost didn’t recognize it.
Little booths with all kinds of products were lined up on the yard that was decorated with Christmas lights and fir branches.
Wood was pilled up in the bonfire pit, Christmas music sounded softly from speakers.
All sorts of handcrafts, Christmas decorations and other items were up for the people to buy.
And there were many people.
Aiden really wasn’t lying when he said people came from farther away cities to visit the farm’s Christmas market.
People of all ages were gathered here, the sound of children laughing mixed with the giddy chatter of the adults, all enjoying the magical atmosphere of the market and the farm it took place on.
Talon, too, let himself be pulled into this moment, strolling through the masses and checking out the booths.
Maya waved at him from a booth where she sold the cookies the three of them had made last time.
Talon waved back at her, before starting to search for the person he was here for in the first place.
He found Aiden as he was helping a little girl to pick out the “perfect Christmas tree”.
With the patience of an angel he let her inspect every single tree, leading her to the next when she found something she didn’t like about the tree before.
Talon watched them silently for a while.
Only when the perfect tree was found and Aiden waved back at the girl as she and her family walked away with the tree did he make himself known.
“Hey,” Aiden’s eyes sparkled as he greeted Talon.
His gaze flickered down to the scarf around Talon’s neck and his smile grew a bit wider.
“You’re still wearing it,” he commented.
Talon blushed. “I can give it back if you-“
“No. Keep it, it looks nice on you.”
Aiden cleared his throat. “Well, I promised you you’ll get the best hot chocolate here, didn’t I? Let’s go.”
Without even waiting for Talon’s reply he took his hand and dragged him towards a booth with little tables around it.
It was the best visited of all the booths around.
“Hey Alexander, what are you doing here?” Aiden greeted the man with the soft pink hair that stood behind the counter.
Alexander smiled. “Amalie was out of marshmallows, so she had to get new ones and asked me if I could take over for a while. And since my boyfriend left me here because he ‘has to run an important errand’, I had time, so…”
He looked down on their still joined hands, a knowing smile on his lips.
“What can I get you?”
Talon, who hadn’t registered that he was still holding on to Aiden, let go of his hand immediately, while Aiden ordered two hot chocolates.
“It’s a shame there’s no marshmallows, but,” he turned to Talon. “Whipped cream?”
Talon nodded. “Sounds nice.”
Alexander prepared their order, given them each a mug filled with hot chocolate that smelled heavenly.
“On the house,” he said. “For our host and his company.”
He winked and Aiden laughed at that, thanking him. Then the two made their way to one of the few free tables.
“Come now,” Aiden said, leaning back in his chair with a smile, awaiting Talon’s reaction. “Try it.”
Talon did as he was told and his eyes widened as he took the first sip.
It was no exaggeration, this really was the best hot chocolate Talon ever tasted.
Aiden laughed at his reaction. “I take it you like it, then.”
“That is an understatement.”
“That’s what I thought. So how do you like our little Christmas market?”
Aiden’s hands wrapped around the warmth of his mug and he leaned forward a little.
“It is really nice.” It really was. “I think I’m slowly getting used to this Christmas craziness.”
Aiden laughed. He pointed at Talon’s chest.
“You are the crazy one, Mr. Scrooge, for not liking Christmas.”
Talon leaned forward as well. “Maybe I just needed a little persuasion.”
Aiden lifted the mug to his lips, hiding a smile behind it. “Well you’ve come to the right place then.”
“What luck.”
“For you and me both.”
Talon’s cheeks colored at that and Aiden only chuckled before taking a sip from his hot chocolate.
When he sat the mug down, there was whipped cream stuck above his bottom lip.
Talon laughed.
Aiden raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“You’ve got whipped cream there,” Talon said between chuckles as he watched Aiden struggling to get the whipped cream off.
“Wait, let me do it.”
Without much thinking, Talon reached out to brush the whipped cream off of Aiden’s face with his thumb, then raised it to his own lips to lick the cream off.
Only when he saw Aiden’s (pretty adorable) expression - eyes blinking in surprise, lips slightly parted in disbelief and blush high up on his cheeks - did he register what he just did and got so red that he probably matched the scarf wrapped around his neck.
“You like the hot chocolate, guys?” Alexander asked, getting both of them out of their frozen state as their heads whipped around to him almost in synch.
It must’ve looked pretty funny and judging by the upward tilt of his lips Alexander thought the same.
He had his arm linked with a handsome dark-haired guy, who lifted his hand in greeting.
Aiden won back his composure first. He smiled.
“Yeah, thank you.”
Talon admired how he managed to not stutter when he said it.
“You made it almost as well as Amalie.”
Pretending to be offended, Alexander gasped, hand over his heart.
A snort escaped the lips of the man next to him as he eyed him fondly.
“Well, we’ll go now,” Alexander said. “Have fun you two, maybe we’ll see each other at the bonfire.”
He turned to the man next to him. “Come, babe, let’s go. I gotta work on my book a bit before we come back tonight.”
With that the two men waved goodbye and left.
It’s okay, Talon told himself, they probably didn’t see what you just did.
But as the two walked away, Alexander turned around to look at them one last time and gave Talon a thumbs up, grinning.
Oh no, he totally saw it.
Talon must be cursed or something.
He looked back at Aiden, who smiled at him, a little unsure.
“Another one?” he asked, raising his mug.
Talon smiled back at him.
“I’d like that.”
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